Health Matters – An A to Z Guide to Good Health – Y is for Yoghurt
Yoghurt is a portion of healthy food and rather tasty too. Yoghurt is usually made from milk which has been soured by the introduction of a harmless bacteria culture; Bacillus Lactobacillus. Yoghurt is often tolerated by people who cannot eat other dairy products. This is because the bacteria in yogurt break down the lactose which is often the cause of intolerance.
Yogurt is a rich natural source of many nutrients that are essential for the growth, development and maintenance of the body:
🍦 It is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc
🍦 It contains Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and B12
🍦 It contains Vitamin A and D
🍦 Live yogurt discourages the proliferation of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the gut (including Candida albicans) that may lead to bowel infections
🍦 Yogurt may help to relieve gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhoea and constipation.
🍦 It can help reduce bad breath associated with some digestive disorders
🍦 It is the only complete protein derived from an animal source that is recommended for frequent use in our diet.
Yogurt is an ideal snack food and perfect for children as it is a reliable source of the calcium they need for healthy bones and teeth. A 200g serving of low-fat plain yogurt provides 40% of the calcium requirement for girls aged 11 – 18 years and 32% of the calcium required by boys of the same age.
It has also been suggested that yogurt improves the condition of the skin and alters the balance of bacteria in the large bowel in a way that helps protect us from colon cancer.
Yogurt can be described as a healthy food, but care must be taken when choosing which variety of yogurt to buy as many contain high levels of sugar and fat which reduce the health benefits dramatically.
Live with joy and health. 💚
Elizabeth Beetham