M is for Mangetout

M is for Mangetout

This time, it is M is for Mangetout, which we certainly never ate when I was a child and I never remember seeing them in vegetable shops, much too exotic! 😊

Today they are available in most supermarkets, and I was thinking how lucky we are to have such variety and choice of foods.

  1. Mangetout is French for 'eat all' and this is what makes this vegetable such a nutritious and healthy food.
  2. Mangetout contains an excellent supply of Vitamin C which as we know is an important antioxidant that helps protect us from disease and is also vital for the healing process. Mangetout has significantly more Vitamin C than we find in garden peas, mainly because we eat them all, so they only require washing.
  3. Mangetout also contains potassium. This mineral is important for many functions in the body. Ingesting the right amount of potassium between 2,500 mg and 3,000 mg for adults may help control blood pressure. This mineral is readily available in our diet and excess is normally excreted in our urine. A warning, the intake of excess potassium is bad for you.
  4. Mangetout also contains beta-carotene which the body converts to Vitamin A and is also an important antioxidant.

Mangetout also provides a useful source of fibre, and we all need more fibre in our diets at least 30g of fibre per day for adults is recommended. The average intake is currently only approximately 20g per day and I suspect it is much lower than this!

I have not included this vegetable in my diet for a while but will be buying this vegetable soon. Remember variety in our diet is important to ensure we get all the necessary vitamins and minerals we need.

Live with joy and health 💚
Elizabeth Beetham

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