Have you got the Winter Blues?
I always find these long dark winter days difficult and sometimes joke with my family that I am suffering from SAD which is Seasonal Affective Disorder. I do hate winter but of course, if you are suffering from SAD, it is no joke.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), sometimes called ‘winter depression’ may affect up to one in twenty people, with women three times more likely to suffer from it than men. SAD is more common in northern countries and is thought to be caused by reduced daylight hours. For some people, it can be seriously disabling so it is important if you have symptoms of depression that you seek help.
Lack of sunlight can trigger the symptoms of SAD which include feelings of sadness and apathy, fatigue and lethargy, sleep problems, overeating, with a craving for sweet foods and carbohydrates, leading to weight gain, loss of self-esteem, tension, and irritability. Treatment aims to lift the mood and relieve depression.
Light therapy is the main treatment for SAD and has satisfactory results; also exercise particularly outside when the sun is shining. Vitamin D supplements and regulating blood sugar levels by good nutrition also help eliminate the symptoms.
If you are feeling those ‘Winter Blues’ the following foods may help to lift your mood:
🍣 Oily Fish – Eat salmon, tuna, and mackerel rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which support the nervous system and can reduce symptoms of depression.
🍗 Chicken and Turkey – Contains tyrosine an amino acid that helps increase the body’s levels of adrenaline, the “energy hormone,” which will increase motivation and decrease stress levels.
🥩 Spinach and Red Meat – Contain the mineral Iron, which is effective in increasing energy levels, its absence can lead to signs of depression.
🌶 Chilli – Capsaicin found in chili peppers, helps produce endorphins, which are known as the ‘Happy Hormones.’
🍊 Oranges – Packed with Vitamin C which increases the production of noradrenalin, a hormone essential for activity and alertness. If you lack Vitamin C in your diet, you are more at risk of developing symptoms of depression.
🌰 Brazil and Walnuts – These nuts contain selenium, an antioxidant-rich mineral that improves mood and energy levels.
Start practicing gratitude for what you have; it is amazing how when we count our blessings we feel better. Spring is just around the corner; the days are slowly lengthening, and sunny weather is on its way – but don’t hold me to it! 😎
Live with joy and health 💚
Elizabeth Beetham