Reduce the Stress of the Festive Season and Keep Healthy

How can we reduce those stress levels at this time of year? We do need to find time to relax even when the going gets tough.  My best anti-stress advice is to plan, plan, and plan. Planning and being organized do make an enormous difference to how we feel and will certainly reduce the stress that results from dashing around at the last minute.

Secondly, find time for some quiet relaxation for yourself – even if it is only a long soak in the bath, it is especially important to take time to recharge your batteries. Breathing deeply for just a few minutes is a wonderful way of de-stressing the body and has huge health benefits. Exercise is one of the best methods of de-stressing; I know it is difficult to fit exercise into a busy schedule but believe me you will have more energy and less stress if you just take 30 minutes of exercise at least five days each week. If your nerves are really frazzled, I recommend taking a Vitamin B Complex supplement.

“Tis the season to be merry,” is a time when we meet and party with our family and friends that we have not seen for ages; for most of us Christmas and New Year are a time of celebration. It is also important to remember that this is not true for everyone, and the real joy of Christmas can be realized if we do something to help people who need it and spread “Good Will Amongst Men” – the true meaning of Christmas.

These festivities can be a time of overeating and drinking too much! Resisting overindulgence takes willpower and determination and it is important to plan your strategy to ensure you make the right choices. The good news is that there are lots of festive foods that are healthy, and my tip is – if you are naughty one day make good choices the next to compensate.

Smoked salmon is an excellent choice and has only eighty calories per portion; it is a useful source of Omega 3 fatty acids which protect the body from many diseases. Turkey is an excellent source of protein and contains approximately half the saturated fat of red meat; remove the skin to make it even healthier and reduce the calories per portion by fifty. Avoid adding butter to vegetables and make the bread sauce with skimmed milk which will reduce the calorie count by almost one-third. Brussels sprouts provide us with Vitamin C and folic acid which are both depleted when we drink alcohol. Resist the roast potatoes, they soak up the fat and are full of unwanted calories; fill up on the other vegetables. I love mince pies too but only as an occasional treat or they will prove disastrous to your weight. Remember – “A moment in the mouth is a month on the hips”!

Alcohol is the real demon because it not only stimulates the appetite but once we have had a few glasses, our resolve not to be greedy goes straight out of the window. Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Alcohol is dehydrating, full of calories and puts a strain on the liver; to protect the body drink at least one glass of water for every glass of alcoholic drink. Milk thistle is a good tonic for the liver if you do end up with that hangover from hell!

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year – live with joy and health. 💚

Elizabeth Beetham BSc
Holistic Nutritionist, Natural Health Journalist and Wellbeing Expert
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